animal production diets

Use of fat in pig production - Use of fat in pig feed

Use of fat in pig production

Fat in pig diets is used as an energy source, besides, it serves as a vehicle for fat-soluble proteins and adds flavor to the meat. In fact, lipids present in muscle tissue in a proportion no greater than 3-5% provide juiciness, tenderness, and good taste, as well as palatability and texture, essential properties of some meat products.

mycotoxin analysis Peru

Delta Labs registered in Peru

In October 2021, Delta Labs obtained its registered trademark in Peru which ensures its exclusivity and quality of service. This technical support service, developed by Biovet S.A., aims to offer personalized advice to each customer and region, covering as much … Read More

Use of phenylalanine in animal feed

Use of phenylalanine in animal feed

Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that is necessary for the synthesis of several compounds such as proteins, catecholamines (hormones such as adrenaline) and melanin. It is also a precursor of another amino acid, tyrosin, and an energy source…