Review period: 17/10/2022 to 21/10/2022
- Use of natural preservatives to improve productivity rates in broiler and layer farms. South Asia.
95% of the cereal for animal feed in the region is mainly imported from India, Brazil and USA. Manufactured costs have increased by more than 50% due to the constant rise in commodity prices: oil barrel, raw materials and import costs, leaving little profit, especially in animal feed factories and poultry farms. Some ways to balance the animal feed high costs, have been to use low-quality raw materials, that means, long time period harvested and storage cereals. Also, the use of broken grains, that favor pathogenic microorganisms to growth. These cereal characteristics, added to the high temperatures and high humidity of the region, predispose to further decrease the raw material quality which affect the animals due to the feed diseases that can transmit to them.
To counteract the low quality of raw materials, it is necessary to use preservatives that, in addition to controlling the growth of bacteria and fungi, do not cause injuries to animals, nor increase costs due to machinery damage and due to the use of high doses that reduce the nutrients proportion in the diet formulations. Alquermold Natural is a natural preservative that, through the synergy of the cimenol ring and citric acid, controls and eliminates bacterial growth of E. coli, Salmonella, and C. perfringens, and fungal growth of Aspergillus spp. Unlike other preservatives, Alquermold Natural is effective for more than 6 months in the raw material. It is also a powerful intestinal biocide, which favors the control of these pathogens by promoting the intestinal flora. Another way to improve the performance of the production parameters is the use of Alquernat Nebsui. Also of natural origin, it is an intestinal conditioner that promotes the regeneration of enterocytes and improves the absorption of nutrients. Replaces antibiotic growth promoters. In layer farms, the use of Alquernat Nebsui improves egg quality.
The combined use of these two products notably improves production, like broilers gain daily and final weight and the eggs quality. These improvements are reflected in the increase in the profit margins of the farms.
- Eggshell hardness problems in laying hens’ farms. South Asia.
The quality of the eggshell is determined by several factors, such as the hardness. This depends, among other things, on the diseases present on the farm and the high temperatures that generate stress in the hens. When soft shells appear, it is a warning sign since the problem will spread to all the laying hens. To lower body temperature, birds use the calcium stored in the bones, which instead of following the eggshell formation cycle, it is eliminated through the kidney to counteract the imbalance of O2 and CO2 in blood, as it mobilizes and breaks down the carbonate in the bones. To interrupt this process, it is necessary to use feed additives that counteract the effects of heat stress. Alquerfeed Ovoponedoras is a supplement that contains carbonates, calcium and vitamins that prevent the calcium mobilization from the bones and ensure its reserve, preserving the bird´s skeleton and maintaining the eggshell hardness. It is administered through the drinking water which, given the high temperatures, its consumption is assured. Along with Alquerfeed Ovoponedoras, Alquermold Natural can be administered, which, through its preservative effect, prevents the pathogenic fungi and bacteria proliferation that, in conditions of high temperature and humidity, proliferate in high concentrations. Also, its use higher egg weight and reduces the percentage of dirty egg.
- 17-day broiler farm with 20% mortality, liver and kidney damage. Mycotoxins suspected. South Asia.
Necropsies were performed on broilers in which many lesions have been found: enlarged kidney and hydrosalpingitis; in the small intestine, duodenum section, a mixed infection of Eimeria acervulina and Eimeria maxima was seen; there was also presence of necrotic foci indicative of Necrotic Enteritis, related to coccidiosis; petechiae in the trachea; petechiae in fat and mycosis under the stratum corneum in gizzard. Lesions due to mycotoxicosis were ruled out. Mortality and immunosuppression may be due to Infectious Toxic Hepatic Enteritis (HETI), which is a very common vertically transmitted disease in broilers, caused by bacteria such as Salmonella, Shigella and Pseudomonas, among other bacteria that produce hydrogen sulfide (SH2). A batch of 5-day-old broilers from the same farm, had ceca with gas and unabsorbed yolks. It is recommended to check yolks on 1-day-old chicks.

- Broilers´ farm affected by Inclusion Body Hepatitis (IBH). Southeast Asia.
Inclusion Body Hepatitis is a disease that affects commercial poultry farms. It is caused by an adenovirus with 12 serotypes. Some clinical signs that are observed are lethargy, ruffled feathers and mortality, which can reach up to 40%. At necropsy, the liver is enlarged, pale, friable, with petechiae and/or hemorrhages. Hydropericardium can also be seen. Its transmission can be vertical or horizontal. Vaccination of breeders is recommended in areas where the disease appears.
- Post-weaning diarrhea with colistin resistance. Southeast Asia.
When piglets are weaned, an imbalance occurs in the intestinal microbiota. Some pathogenic bacteria, as Salmonella and E. Coli can proliferate due to the decrease of immune system. The dysbiosis and the presence of these bacteria may cause the post weaning diarrhea. Many products, including antibiotics, are used to control the diarrhea. Colistin sulfate is an antibiotic that belongs to polymyxins group. As many other growth promoters and antibiotics, Colistin has been widely used for the prevention and control of diarrhea, but its use has been prohibited in many american and european countries because of the bacterial resistance produced. To control diarrhea in post-weaning piglets, it is necessary to have an intestinal conditioner, such as Alquernat Nebsui. Alquernat Nebsui are pronutrients that promote the regeneration of enterocytes, improve nutrient absorption and optimize digestive processes. It replaces antibiotic growth promoters. It is a natural product that leaves no residual effect and does not generate resistance. The combined use with Alquermold Natural is recommended, which is a natural feed preservative, with bacteria and fungi inhibitor activity and with a biocidal effect on the animals’ intestine. The use of both products enhances the immune system and eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, reducing the risk of diarrhea at the time of weaning transition.
- AFM1 metabolite in dairy products.
The AFM1 is a metabolite that it is found in milk and milk by products. It is a molecule derived from enzymatic process in the liver of the mycotoxin Aflatoxin B1. Aflatoxicosis is a disease caused by aflatoxins, which are mycotoxins produced by pathogenic fungi such as Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus gillus. Mycotoxin fungi producers colonize raw materials, such as corn, since they coexist in the same environment, and when conditions of high temperatures and humidity exists, they proliferate, invading in high concentrations. These fungi not only cause injuries to animals, but also, they release mycotoxins that enhance the appearance of lesions, especially in the liver, and generate a decrease in productive parameters such as milk production. Aflatoxin has the particularity that its metabolite AFM1 has been found in ruminant milk by products. It has been shown that it reaches human consumption since it cannot be eliminated or deactivated in milk processing. In humans, the effect of the metabolite has been diagnosed as carcinogenic and toxigenic. The permitted limits on the concentration of AFM1 in milk have been regulated in the USA and in the European Union at less than 0.5 ppb and 0.05 ppb, respectively. The use of Alquerfeed Antitox in raw materials and animal feed decreases the mycotoxins and AFM1 concentration. This prevents the presence of lesions in animals. Its mechanism of action is through a modified silicoglycidol molecule that comes from natural silicates. It can capture the mycotoxins, and these are excreted together with the feces. It does not cause irritation in the intestinal mucosa and does not interfere with the absorption of other nutrients and additives such as enzymes and vitamins. Alquerfeed Antitox can be used with a low dose of 0.5 Kg/Tn on food as mycotoxin prevention or when the concentration of mycotoxins present in the raw material or feed is known, the exact dose needed can be calculated through the online calculator at The analysis of mycotoxin concentration in raw materials and feed is also available to be carried out at Global Vet´s Lab.
- Difference between “acidifiers” and Alquermold Natural in raw materials.
The preservation of raw materials and feed is one of the actions that most influence when evaluating the quality of animal feed. There are different types of preservatives: the most used are organic acids, such as Propionic acid and Formic acid, and Formaldehyde. Organic acids are bacteriostatic and fungistatic, they can control the pathogens, but they are not totally eliminated. Its mechanism of action is through the intracellular chemical imbalance in the pathogens. It is necessary to use a combination of two or more organic acids, including formaldehyde, to broaden its spectrum of action, otherwise it is usually limited. Formaldehyde is a chemical compound, very effective for the control of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, but extremely toxic and carcinogenic. When formaldehyde reaches the hydrochloric acid in the animal stomach, a 60ºC exothermic reaction takes place which also releases formic acid. This reaction burns the animal´s stomach. The lesions produced have a negative influence on the nutrient’s absorption, which decreases animal productivity. Alquermold Natural, it is made of botanic extracts: citric acid and cimenol ring. Citric acid interferes with cell metabolism by generating pores in the membranes of the pathogenic fungi and bacteria, which enables the entry of the cimenol ring into the pathogens cell interior, releasing the bacterial cell content and perforating the fungal cell walls. This also inhibits the ergosterol synthesis, which is a molecule that generates hypercalcemia in animals. Alquermold Natural works not only as a preservative in feed and raw materials, but also as an intestinal biocide. Its use as prevention or control of enteric infections and does not create resistance. It doesn´t require a suppression period. It also preserves the beneficial intestinal microbiota of the animals.